Success Story
LACCDThe Los Angeles Community College District with 5,400 employees and more than 120,000 students on nine campuses, is, as the Los Angeles Times said, “the educational workhorse” of our community. They have educated more than one million persons working in and around Los Angeles and have transferred over 200,000 students to four-year colleges and universities. All data processing is carried out on a centrally located cluster of OpenVMS systems from Compaq. For the past 10 years, ISE's EnterpriseSCHEDULE and EnterpriseBACKUP have played a vital role in maintaining, backing up and securing the sensitive data on this central cluster. The three major application groups supported by the central IT department are: 1) Student records, including online registration and online grade maintenance; 2) Accounting, including payroll, accounts receivables, accounts payable and human resource management; 3) Library automation, including online bibliographic and patron data. All of these functions are central and critical to the success of LACCD.
The data center is connected to all nine campuses using a frame relay network. Downtime is kept to less than one hour a month, EnterpriseBACKUP backs up LACCD's OpenVMS cluster (10 machines consisting of 2 VAX and 8 ALPHA machines). ISE's MEDIA catalog utility (part of EnterpriseBACKUP) keeps track of approximately 6,000 TA90 cartridges containing application data, 600 T787 cartridges (40 Gigabytes each) of backup data. The online system is composed of 40 hard drives with 8 or 16 gigabytes each for a total of approximately 1/2 terabyte of online information. Backups are run daily, usually in the evening, incrementals are done Monday through Thursday, full backups on the weekends and database backups are run every day.Text here
ISE's software "has been incredibly reliable from the beginning. It is rock solid software".
Carl Hayes
Software systems analyst
EnterpriseSCHEDULE is a central component in delivering a consistently managed system and is primarily used by the IT department to ensure that directories are purged, files moved as needed and maintenance programs are run when they are suppose to. There are approximately 100 jobs, running daily, a few run hourly and a few run weekly.
In a recent discussion with Carl Hayes, a software systems analyst at LACCD, Carl mentioned that ISE's software "has been incredibly reliable from the beginning. It is rock solid software". In an environment where students' grades and administration records are very important, ISE's software packages have been worry free.